
SvelteKit does not offer any built in integrations, so we will add Partytown manually. Credit belongs to for this guide.

  1. Add the Partytown script to src/routes/+layout.svelte
  2. Copy the Partytown files to the local filesystem using the Vite plugin
  3. Reverse-Proxying scripts
  4. Then adding 3rd party scripts

1. Add the Partytown script to src/routes/+layout.svelte

Adapting from the HTML integration guide

// src/routes/+layout.svelte

  import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { partytownSnippet } from ''

  // Add the Partytown script to the DOM head
  let scriptEl
    () => {
      if (scriptEl) {
        scriptEl.textContent = partytownSnippet()

  <!-- Config options -->
    // Forward the necessary functions to the web worker layer
    partytown = {
      forward: ['dataLayer.push']

  <!-- `partytownSnippet` is inserted here -->
  <script bind:this={scriptEl}></script>

2. Copy the Partytown files to the local filesystem using the Vite plugin

Adopting this strategy from the Partytown+Vite docs:

// vite.config.js

import { join } from 'path'
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'
import { partytownVite } from ''

/** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */
const config = {
  plugins: [
      // `dest` specifies where files are copied to in production
      dest: join(process.cwd(), 'static', '~partytown')

export default config

3. Reverse-Proxying scripts

This will vary depending on hosting platform. See Partytown’s recommended guides.

// src/routes/+layout.svelte

  partytown = {
    forward: ['dataLayer.push'],
    resolveUrl: (url) => {
      const siteUrl = ''

      if (url.hostname === '') {
        const proxyUrl = new URL(`${siteUrl}/gtm`)

        const gtmId = new URL(url).searchParams.get('id')
        gtmId && proxyUrl.searchParams.append('id', gtmId)

        return proxyUrl
      } else if (url.hostname === '') {
        const proxyUrl = new URL(`${siteUrl}/ga`)

        return proxyUrl

      return url

4. Then adding 3rd party scripts

This is where we FINALLY use party town to add those scripts (note type="text/partytown" below). This example shows Google Tag Manager.

// svelte.config.js

const config = {
  preprocess: [
      preserve: ['partytown']


// src/routes/+layout.svelte

    // Config options
    partytown = {
      forward: ['dataLayer.push'],
      resolveUrl: (url) => {
        const siteUrl = ''

        if (url.hostname === '') {
          const proxyUrl = new URL(`${siteUrl}/gtm`)

          const gtmId = new URL(url).searchParams.get('id')
          gtmId && proxyUrl.searchParams.append('id', gtmId)

          return proxyUrl
        } else if (
          url.hostname === ''
        ) {
          const proxyUrl = new URL(`${siteUrl}/ga`)

          return proxyUrl

        return url
  <!-- Insert `partytownSnippet` here -->
  <script bind:this={scriptEl}></script>

  <!-- GTM script + config -->
  <script type="text/partytown">
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []

    function gtag() {

    gtag('js', new Date())
    gtag('config', 'YOUR-ID-HERE', {
      page_path: window.location.pathname

Reminder to visit if you need a blog-style guide on this.

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